University of the Western Cape


Institution Details
University of the Western Cape (UWC)
  • Address: Robert Sobukwe Road
  • Location: Bellville ,Western Cape ,South Africa
  • Phone: +27 21 959 2911
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  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • University Type : Comprehensive University
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Company Overview
The University of the Western Cape is a national university, alert to its African and international context as it strives to be a place of quality, a place to grow. It is committed to excellence in teaching, learning and research, to nurturing the cultural diversity of South Africa, and to responding in critical and creative ways to the needs of a society in transition.
Company History
The University of the Western Cape has a history of creative struggle against oppression, discrimination and disadvantage. Among academic institutions it has been in the vanguard of South Africa's historic change, playing a distinctive academic role in helping to build an equitable and dynamic nation. UWC's key concerns with access, equity and quality in higher education arise from extensive practical engagement in helping the historically marginalised participate fully in the life of the nation
Company Benefits

South Africa University Jobs
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